About Us
Through a variety of educational training modules, technical assistance programs and marketing … [Read More]
ADA Consultation – We provide training to architects, construction companies, business owners, … [Read More]
Upcoming Training Events Ellen L. Shackelford President / Author Motivational Speaker / … [Read More]
CACS offers resources to help educate on the importance of inclusion. CACS offers a variety of … [Read More]
Welcome from Our Founder
Thank you for visiting CACS where we promote awareness and address the importance of inclusion for individuals with disabilities through training and consulting.
We trust you will enjoy your visit to our site and encourage you to contact us with questions you may have about disability and inclusion. Education and sharing information are the key tools in assuring that all are recognized in social activities and noted as viable citizens. Have a Blessed day!

What Others are Saying…
Facilitator – Commonwealth Workforce Networks
Superintendent, Cornell High School
Commander – The American Legion – Post 1997
Chair, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee
Coordinator, F.A.I.T.H. In Action Ministry – Gethsemane Baptist Church
Polio Support Group Chair
Diversity Conference Chair, Wake County North Carolina
Director – Hampton Health Department
Director of Youth Civic Engagement – Alternatives, Inc.
“Thank you for speaking to our group about issues which face the disability community. Our understanding of how to interact with a diverse people has opened our hearts to be more accepting and tolerant. We look forward to you sharing additional information in the near future.”
It is the dedication warmth and genuine concern of loved ones such as you which continue to play so significant a part in the growth of our Christian mission. And what a magnificent bio! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Again thank you for your powerful presentation. Please continue to keep us in your prayers and may God continue to bless you richly. Be assured you will always be in our thoughts and prayers.”
WIMPY Coordinator
Executive Director, Hampton Citizens’ Unity Commission
Human Resources Manager, Teledyne Hastings Instruments
Director, Human Resources, Airlie Foundation
Post Commander, The American Legion Louis E. Randall Post 1997
HR Professional, Greensboro NC
Special Events – Hampton Parks and Recreation
Assistant Principal – Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools
Executive Director – Insight Enterprises, Inc.
Program Director – Foster Grandparent Program
Saint Leo University Faculty